Trees help tell stories of where we live.

Do you live in Glendale? Have fun exploring this site. You will undoubtedly run into a friend or two along the way!

Or, maybe you are new to Glendale? Welcome! You will find that this project is even more than an introduction to our tree-loving community. It is also our love letter to the people, plants, and wildlife of Southern California.

Neighborhood Favorites


South Glendale


Adams Hill

Chevy Chase Canyon

Riverside Rancho

Verdugo Woodlands

Whiting Woods

Downtown Glendale

Parks We Love

Verdugo Park

Glendale Narrows

Deukmejian Wilderness Park


Living with Trees

Street Trees

Protected Trees

Trees & Fire


Glendale Tree Stories is a public story-sharing project that celebrates our community’s unique, multifaceted, and historic relationship with trees.

Between 2020 and 2022, the Tree Stories project team collected true stories from residents, researched local history, and interviewed community leaders to find out more about Glendale’s favorite trees.

Our project artist, Elkpen, transformed a selection of this material into a series of comics, mixing personal stories from the community with local natural history, tree lore, and reflections on urban nature.

All tree story submissions, along with Elkpen’s comics, are archived on this website. Please share and enjoy!
